Trip to Paradise
A Trip to Paradise
Droplets of manna
Glistening on my palm
Liquid fire razing
In the sanctum of my mind.
A rendezvous in the clouds
An amble in paradise
A passage of rites
An encounter with life.
Distant trees pirouetting
To the strains of the night
Moonbeams sprinkling
Enchantment all around.
The cadence of hearts
The swirling of skirts
The rhythm of mystics
The dance of the gods.
A kaleidoscope of colours
A stream of flowers
Raindrops of bliss
Intonations and prayers.
The histrionics
The rhapsody
The deific stupor
The silken ecstasy.
The cleansed souls
The myriad resolves
The endless dreams
The religion of love.
Oneness so divine
Joy so unbound
It was a heavenly trance
A trip to paradise.
(by Pomi Baruah)